Dyslexia Resources


Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators (AOGPE)

Augustine Literacy Project

Decoding Dyslexia SC

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia: www.dys-add.com

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity: http://dyslexia.yale.edu

Florida Reading Research Center: frrc.org

The Dyslexia Training Institute: www.dyslexiatraininginstitute.org

Dyslexia Reading Connection: http://dyslexiareadingconnection.com

National Center for Reading Disabilities: www.NCLD.org

Learning Ally: www.learningally.org

National Right to Read Foundation: nrrf.org

Learning Disability Association of South Carolina (LDASC)

Learning Disability Association of America (LDA)

For a list of professionals in South Carolina, who have indicated to IDA Home Office (National) they specialize in the assessment of dyslexia, parent advocacy, and/or provide dyslexia therapy (tutoring), please click here:

IDA Accredited Provider Directory

For additional referrals for professionals who provide dyslexia therapy (tutoring), you may email the following dyslexia training organizations and ask for a current list of certified instructors in your geographic area:

Wilson Language Training at SVega@wilsonlanguage.com

Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators at info@ortonacademy.org

Private Schools (SC)

Camperdown Academy, Greenville

Glen Forest School, Columbia

Sandhills School, Columbia

The Chandler School, Greenville

Trident Academy, Mt. Pleasant


Public Charter Schools (SC)

Lakes and Bridges Charter School, Easley

Gates School, Charleston – http://gatesschool.org

PACE Academy, Columbia – http://choosepace.org



Overcoming Dyslexia, by Sally Shaywitz

Reading in the Brain; The New Science of How We Read, by Stanislas Dehaene

Proust and the Squid, by Maryanne Wolf

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan, by Ben Foss

Dyslexia Advocate, by Kelli Sandman-Hurley

Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science, What Expert Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do, by Louisa Moats

Why Kids Can’t Read: Challenging the Status Quo in Education, by Phyllis Blounstein and Reid Lyon

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain, by Brock L. Eide, M.D., M.A. and Fernette F. Eide, M.D.



The Big Picture; Rethinking Dyslexia – kpjrfilms.co

Dislecksia the Movie – dislecksiathemovie.com



Research/Journal Articles

The Dyslexia Dilemma: http://childhood-developmental-disorders.imedpub.com/the-dyslexia-dilemma-a-history-of-ignorance-complacency-and-resistance-in-colleges-of-education.php?aid=11208

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