Teacher Preparation
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) consistently finds that 35% of fourth graders in the United States are reading at a level that is below basic. Research has demonstrated that most reading difficulties can be resolved or diminished when reading is taught by a highly knowledgeable and skilled teacher.
The identification of individuals with dyslexia and other reading difficulties, and appropriate instruction by a well-trained teacher using a structured approach to teaching reading, has been a cornerstone of IDA since its beginning.
The components of Structured Literacy™ are outlined in the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. and Structured Literacy™: An Introductory Guide, an Educator Training Initiatives brief from IDA.
To ensure that teachers and specialists are appropriately trained, IDA reviews and accredits teacher training programs and will begin certifying individuals in 2016.
For more information about the IDA Standards and credentialing, click here. IDA views accreditation and certification as key strategies to change the way reading is taught in classrooms across America. Through accreditation and certification, IDA develops a direct line that connects teacher preparation programs to teacher competency and, in turn, to student achievement. IDA accredited programs produce highly knowledgeable and skilled teachers of reading who seek certification and positively impact reading achievement for all students. For more information, go to:
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